Frequently Asked Questions

  • One search refers to tracking 1 keyword for 1 URL on 1 search engine.
  • Each URL/Keyword/Search-Engine combination is counted as 1 search.
  • Each Local combination (different location) or Mobile combination (other than desktop) is also counted as 1 search.
  • Additionally, each GBP (Google Business Profile) listing tracking is counted as 1 search.
  • A URL can refer to a Wix site (connected domain's URL), a GMB map listing (associated with the Wix site's URL), a YouTube video URL, or an Amazon listing ASIN.
  • The Free and Basic plans are limited to tracking 1 URL, which is the Wix site's URL (connected domain).
  • The Advanced and Pro plans allow for tracking unlimited URLs.
  • Unlimited URLs means that there is no restriction on the number of URLs, up to the plan's search capacity, considering 1 search tracked per 1 URL.
  • You can upgrade your plan at any time.
  • First, you'll pay a prorated invoice for the difference between the current plan and the new plan for the rest of the current billing cycle.
  • At the next payment date, you'll get an invoice for the new plan's full amount.
Top Navigation Bar
In the top navigation bar, you'll find buttons that direct you to the main sections of the site:
1. 'Rankings': This section displays your current rankings and allows for a quick comparison with rankings from older periods.
2. 'Progress': Here, you can view historical rankings.
3. 'Add to Track': Use this section to add new searches for tracking.
4. 'Reports & Notifications': In this section, you can configure email reports and notifications.

If you have multiple URLs associated with your account, you'll notice a drop-down menu at the top-right. This drop-down allows you to switch between the different URLs within your account.
When you switch to a specific URL, all data on the rankings and progress pages will be tailored to that selected URL.

Located on the far right, you'll find two icons: a help icon (which leads to this FAQ page) and a gear icon that leads to the 'Settings' page, where you can configure global settings for your RankiX account.
On the settings page, you can configure four different options:

Time Zone - Select your time zone to ensure that the reports and notifications align with it.

Date Format - Choose your preferred date format.

Sort by - Set the default sorting order for rankings tables.

Chart Scale - Opt for either "Logarithmic" or "Linear" for the charts on the progress page and in the reports. Logarithmic gives more weight to the top rank, while Linear assigns equal weight to all ranks.

Curent Plan - You can change your subscription plan (upgrade or downgrade) from here.

My URLs - You can add and manage the URLs you are tracking from this section.
RankiX Video Tutorial
On the 'Progress' page, you can access the historical rankings for all of your URLs and searches.

At the top of the page, you'll find the same statistics boxes, download options, and share options that are available on the 'Rankings' page (please refer to the 'Rankings' tutorial for explanations about these features).

Towards the bottom of the 'Progress' page, you'll find a chart for each of the searches in your account.
By default, it displays a 1-month history, but you can adjust the time range for all charts using the header section located above them.
Additionally, you have the option to search and display specific searches on this page.
On the 'Rankings' page, you can access all the rankings for your tracked searches. At the top of the page, you'll find three boxes:
1. On the left, there's a usage statistics box.
2. In the middle, you'll see the Rank Changes box, which provides information about search rank changes in the last 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days.
3. On the right, you'll find the 'Current Ranks' box, showing how many searches currently rank in different position ranges, and the change in each range in the last 24 hours.

In the top-right corner of the page, you have the option to download a report in PDF, XLSX, or CSV format, or share the rankings of that URL as a shared report. If you choose to share the report, you can also set a password for added security.

Towards the bottom of the page, you'll find the main rankings table.
Each search in the table is associated with the following columns: Type, Indexed URL, Keyword, Search (which includes search engines, language, and local combinations), Rank (current rank), Yesterday (yesterday's rank), Week (rank from a week ago), Month (rank from a month ago), Volume (search volume), and a trend chart showing the rankings over the last 30 days.

You can perform bulk actions on the table, such as deleting searches (using the 'Actions' drop-down after selecting searches by checking the checkbox at the left of each entry), and you can also search within the table using the search box on the left side.
Add to track
From the 'Add to Track' page, you can add new searches for tracking purposes.

Step 1: Where, URL & Keywords
In this initial step, you'll configure the following settings:

'Where': Choose the search engine where you want to track it: Google, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, or Amazon.

'URL': Select one of the URLs associated with your account, which can include website URLs, YouTube video IDs, or Amazon ASINs by your previous selection.

'Keywords': Input the keywords you wish to track, separating each one with a new line.

'Suggest Keywords': After entering a URL, click it to add relevant suggested keywords.

Step 2: Device and Search Options
During the second step, you'll select the device type and additional search options:

'Device': Indicate whether you want to track desktop results or mobile results.

'Search options': Here, you can specify optional parameters such as local search engines, locations (start typing to view and select them), and a preferred search engine interface language.

'GBP tracking': If you want to track Google Business Profile (GBP), select 'Track my GBP as well' and enter the GBP name exactly as it appears on your Google listing in the text area provided below.
If you have a few GBPs for the same URL, separate each with a new line.
Reports & Notifications
In the Reports & Notifications section, you can set and manage ranking reports and notifications.
When entering it from the menu, you'll first see a table of all your currently set reports and notifications. You can perform actions on them from the last column in the table: Edit, send now, duplicate, or delete each report or notification. At the table's top right, you'll find the "Add new" button to add new reports or notifications.

When entering the "Add new" page, you can first select whether you want to add a scheduled report or a triggered notification (a report sent when a specific condition occurs).

For a scheduled report, you can set when to send it (daily, weekly, or monthly and at what time) in the first section. In the second "Report Options" section, you can set the email subject, the "send to" email address, and which formats to include (email content, PDF, XLSX, CSV).

In the last "Display" section, you can set which URLs to include in the report (if you have more than one), which columns to show in the report's table (Extra data), and the sorting order.

If you select a "Triggered Notification" first, the second and third sections (Report Options and Display) are the same, but you'll first set "When" to send it. When a search rank "reached #1", "Reached Top" X (value you can enter), "Out of the Top" X, Is X, Is not X.
On the right, you can select different comparisons: Increased by (at least) X, Decreased by (at least) X (value or percent).
Once you select one of those, on the right, you can select what to compare it to: Yesterday's value, a week ago, a month ago, or any X value you enter.

Scheduled reports will be sent regularly at the time selected, and Triggered Notification reports will be sent once the trigger (condition) is met.
Specialized Rank Tracking
Understanding Geo-Targeting and Its Importance

Geo-targeting, also known as location-driven search, is a way to make your online efforts more effective in specific areas. This is especially helpful when you want to boost your success in particular places.

Using Language and Location Settings in Rankix

The great news is that Rankix provides language and location settings to enhance your Google tracking. By using these settings, your tracking becomes 100% accurate in these vital aspects.

You're probably aware that various factors can influence your Google search results. The two most important ones are:

  • The location you're searching from (geo-targeting)
  • The language you're using on Google

In Rankix, you can easily include location and language settings in all your Google tracking. Just use the auto-complete feature to choose any location recognized by Google and select your preferred language.

Locations can be specified with different levels of detail. This helps you monitor very specific geo-targeted results, including:

  • Country
  • State
  • County
  • City
  • Zip codes
  • Neighborhoods
Important Note:

Keep in mind that location strongly influences map results. For the most accurate tracking, it's recommended to set a precise location.

GBP, which stands for Google Business Profile, is an important feature within Google. It helps businesses like yours get noticed by local customers. The Local Finder shows those listing on a map within Google.

You can access this feature by clicking on "More Places" when you see the Snack Pack box (top 3 map results) in Google organic results pages. It's a handy tool for discovering local businesses.

With Rankix, you can monitor the performance of your GBP within the top 100 GBPs. This means you can keep a close eye on how your business profile is doing in the search results.

Important Tip:

When you're tracking GBPs, it's crucial to select a specific location for your search. The results are highly influenced by the geographic area, so be precise in your location choice.

With Rankix, we've taken the hassle out of monitoring featured snippets. Our system automatically tracks them for you, making your tracking efforts more efficient, especially in light of Google's regular updates.

This automation offers you valuable insights into the exceptional areas of your content that are ranking high. It's like having a spotlight on your top-performing content, allowing you to create more of the same to maintain your high rankings.

How to Keep an Eye on Your Featured Snippet Rankings:
  • Whenever you track a URL, if it appears as a featured snippet on Google, you'll notice the word "Featured" at the end of the text in the "Search" column.
  • If there's no featured snippet for the keyword, you can distinguish between a featured snippet #1 and an organic #1 by checking the "Search" column.
  • You'll see "Featured" in the search column only if it's a Featured Snippet #1 ranking.

In the past, you could get precise results by checking rankings manually. However, Google is always changing how it ranks websites. Many things can affect your manual checks now. These include:

  • Your device (like whether you're using a phone or a computer)
  • The language you use on Google
  • Your location
  • Your past search history

All these things can make your manual checks less accurate. But Rankix always gives you 100% accurate results, which are crucial for your business or clients.

How to Solve Issues with Results
  • Check that you entered the keywords and URL correctly, with no typos.
  • Make sure your device, language settings, and location are right when you check manually.
  • If a ranking is new or recently changed, it's a good idea to wait a few days before checking again. Google sometimes makes big updates that can affect rankings. Different data centers in Google might show different rankings, so waiting helps you see the correct rank when its stabilized between all data centers.
More Things to Remember When Checking Rankings
  • Google always personalizes search results, no matter what mode you're in (like incognito or private browsing).
  • Google also uses your location and personal information to tailor search results. This is very noticeable on the first page of Google's search results for local searches and videos.
  • If you set your search to a specific country, you can use a proxy or VPN from that location to check rankings.
  • Manual checks can't perfectly copy searches from different cities, neighborhoods, or zip codes unless you're physically in that place or using a proxy/VPN with that location.
  • If you don't specify a location for checking, Google will guess your location based on your web domain (like google.ccTLD).
  • For, the default country is the United States. If you're checking rankings for searches from other countries, remember to select the right location when you enter the URL and keywords.
  • If you want to track an audience in a different country or location, remember to add the location when you enter the URL and keywords.